
something that happened sometime ...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

GREAT GAIN after insane pain .....

Sunday was most awaited. No books, no homeworks ... far away from studies and all fun.
Infact you dont have to get up early even.

.... It was Sunday. Dad had plans of taking us (me and kiddie) to our Uncle's house nearby the pond at Lanjipalli, BAM. "Old is GOLD" says papa and adhers to his principle. We have an age old bicycle form a renowned company of those times - HUMBER. I have different lookout on the old is gold tag but sometimes the shining emblem negates my thoughts. Rain .. summer .. winter .. the emblem has been thru all ages still has no streaks of RUST yet. AMAZING .. moreover we dont' clean the bicycle on a daily basis.

My dad rode the bicycle with kidde in the front bar and me at the back seat.

Whatever.. Uncle, auntie, deepa(my cousin) were happy seeing us. We had a great Breakfast. It was about to 9 AM so we left. i usually think, a kinda frickle minded. Papa says "tu ta chali gala sagada re hata mari daba pila" ... Confused .. Well that is in Oriya. It means, i am such a naughty kid who could place his hands into the wheels of a running CART. haa haaa

Riding back home the traffic wasnt so dense. As usual my mind was somewhere else. Just near the pond .. there was a sound ... "AAHHH tak tak tak".
I was screaming !!
My legs were jammed within the spokes of the back wheel.

I didn't feel the pain at that moment but who knew I won't be able to walk for the next 2 months :). These days anytime if I need to specify a scar on my body for identification .. this wound (healed) on my right leg just above the ankle serves as a unique sign.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I was fortunate to live beside the label crossing, cuz I could see the trains moving by every day.

Fortunate !!

I was staying at Rourkela before commin over to BAM. I never saw trains so closely. Busses were the most common means of MY transport :) Trains seemed to be a beautifully knit set of busses all governed by a single driver .... amazing ... at one stress the work of so many drivers are reduced ....

At RKL i went to my pre-nursery classes. I was very naughty.. I dont know why ... but i clearly remember the face of a small fattie girl (fair complexioned and a bit shorter that me), with chubby cheeks whom I pushed down from the stage :(


haa haaaa .....

Ajish .. Gangul .. and noname .... buddies I miss you ... I was too small to maintain phone records or autographs ... i don't have ur contacts but the best thing right now is HOPE

We used to have our launch break at 10 AM SHARP. Everyday I would carrie my unique launch box, (made up of steel with 2 inbuilt partitions, one for currie and the other half for chapati I think !!) neatly and tightly packed by MOM. It was difficult to open it up and sometimes all my launch fell down :) I never told my mom about this, i knew she would scold.

This day was a bit different.

It was summer. We had the launch break. I kept roaming accross the playground, with the launch box in my hand. My friends started disappearing gradually !! Sun started hovering right on top of my head. It was getting hotter. I had no idea what happend to all those running behind me but felt the heat badly. I thought my friends were trying to fool me by hiding themselves !! and I kept on searching.

Legs gave up .. shirt was drenched with sweat .. uncomfortable pants too :) I was frustrated. I went into the class and was astonished. All of them were sitting inside. I had no idea of time. It was 12 noon. Sunita Menon Madam was surprised. She rebuked me like anything. I lost track of time.... My friends had not disappeared..

Tried hard .. but memories are too faint :(

All i remember is of a orange astronaut held by a TELUGU friend of mine .. Probably it was Sudeep. They toy resembled a real astronaut but interestingly it housed an eraser within its stomach !! That was my Upper Kinder Garten

Friday, July 07, 2006

I was afraid of being killed.
A beautiful tall lady, wearing a salwar suit and red lips !! was standing beside a
huge fat boy at the desk. This boy was holding a gun trying to shoot every body in the class.
Now whenver he pulled up the trigger i got scared by the sound .. In due course this fat man
grew up to be one of my closest friends, with a name that rhymes with mine.

Tiny 4 legged chairs and small desks one per student was the coosy setting of UKG 'D'. D was the section ... as our school has 4 sections D,P,S, and B !!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Differentiating people on sex (male or female) was a bit complicated then.

Amazed !!

I was 3. Dressed up smartly, tie, polished shoe ... up to the mark of a gentleKID ... as my mom dressed me up every moring and Dad used to drive me to the school at 7:45 sharp.
It was my first day at school. I was put in the last row cuz i was late. All were strangers .. small faces most alike .. looking at each other. Its funnie when u place a couple of kids at one place .. their behaviour is unpredictable ... so was mine.